๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™‚๏ธTo Claim WL

If you are a part of one of those DAOs you are eligible to get (WL): -DeGods 40

-Jelly Rascals 30

-Y00ts 30

-Taiyo Robotics 30

-ABC 30

-Blocksmith Labs 30

-Okay Bear 25

-Boryoku Dragonz 20

-Famous Fox 25

-Degenerate ape 25

-Stoned ape Crew 20

-Catalina Whale 20

-Elixir Ovols 20

-Gods 20

-Ghostkid 20

-Primates 20

-Mindfolks 20

-Reptilian renegade 20

-SoDead 20

-Tombstoned 20

-Peesky Penguin 20

-Just ape 20 To claim WL open a ticket in Discord

Last updated